Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Egypt Trip!

We were looking for somewhere warm and sunny to take Rådan's fritids this time.  

Some of our lovely kids suggested Egypt and it was a very good idea. Why not? Let's take Rådan there and enjoy our time while learning some facts about Egypt. 

It also would be a great chance to improve our communication skills as it is one of the main goals of our fritids trips.

Like always, we used Air Rådan. Flight number Radan 365, date: 19.02.2016. And...we landed safely in Egypt.

Kids met an actual Mummy!

And most of them got the chance to become mummies. 

They had the opportunity to become a Pharaoh (a king of ancient Egypt) or Horus (the God of war, sky, and falcons)

 How lovely they are :-)

Kids deciphered messages in hieroglyphics, which was super fun and challenging. And as one of the key activities of every trip, kids wrote postcards that we posted them to their homes.


Like always, kids from Storfritids were in charge to present some facts about Egypt and helped a lot during the journey. 

It was a very entertaining and informative journey.
Cannot wait for the next one! 

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