Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Welcome back to the school year 2019/2020

August 2019
Dear guardians,

We hope that everybody has had a great summer and that you are all as excited for a new school year as we are! 
The fritids team would like to remind everybody of some routines and rules:

1) If your child is allowed to go home by themselves, then please enter this into Admentum. A small icon of a house will appear by their name so we know they can go home by themselves whenever they like during fritids. 

2) If your child is allowed to go home by themselves but only after a certain time, then you must do as above plus write an extra comment each day that will appear on Admentum letting us know what time is ok for them to leave. 

3) If your child needs to be picked up by someone we may not recognise such as a babysitter, a grandparent or a friend - you must write this in the comments section so that we are aware and can expect them. If you don't inform us we won't let them take your child home.

4) If your child is going home with a friend who can go home by themselves, or going home with a friend's parents, you must write this in the comments section as well. This must be done before kl.13:00 of the day they are going home together.  

5) The fritids phone is for emergencies only, not for arranging playdates. If your children want to go home to a friend's, this playdate must be pre-arranged with both sets of parents the day before.

6) The fritids phone is for emergencies only. Parents picking up their children from drop-off zone should park their cars and come down to the school to get them, not use the fritids phone to tell us to send them up. This is better for everyone, it gives us a chance to say hello to parents who come down to the school and for parents to see what we're doing during fritids! It also means we have more staff on hand to take care of your children instead of answering the phone non-stop. 

7) The drop-off zone is there for a reason - to keep children safe and to stop congestion by making sure that NO CARS drive down the road to the school during busy hours. Please respect this rule and park your car at the drop-off zone before walking down to school to collect your child or by dropping off your child in the morning so they can walk down by themselves (there will always be a member of the fritids team present in the morning).

8) As you know, the school grounds are public property. This means we cannot erect a fence around the playground to stop children leaving. Whilst we will do our best to make sure only those children who are allowed to go home by themselves do so, this job will be made a lot easier Please remind your children that they must inform the fritids leader with the list that they are leaving so that they can be crossed off the list.

9) Only students that are registered during holidays and lov are able to attend fritids. Based on the number of students signed up we plan activities, order food and make sure we have enough staff.

Kind regards, 

The Fritids Team at Futuraskolan International Rådan

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