Monday, 18 November 2019

Week 46 in pictures

Here are some pictures from last week :) 

 Dalida has a future in construction. She made this humongous tower! 

In creative workshop we are making creatures from the story we read, 
we will use them to make a stop motion movie.

 Some new amazing artwork coming soon from Art club. 

 Story time at the library. 

 Choir with Marina. Learning about Lucia. 

 FSK working on their Minecraft creations. 

2nd grader in Minecraft. Cooperation is key! 

We enjoy all parts of the nature :) 

 Dancing and singing with FSK.

Minecraft senior had a minecraft challenge to shake things up. All winners! 

 Many skills are put to use in Minecraft. Here a couple of FSK students are practicing their writing.


I think this is the last of the chestnuts. Omar in 2R collected this 7-800 chestnuts!


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