Friday, 21 November 2014

Internship at Rådan

This week grades 8 and 9 students had to look for an Internship. They had to choose an area they would like to work at. 

One of the students chose to be a "Fritids" here in Rådan for a week. This made us very proud and happy! :-)

Thank you for this very fun week Hugo!! Hope you've learned a lot and that we can inspire you for your future career!!

 "My week was very good! i worked alot with the six graders, i learned how to act and be a teacher, and help them with all kind of subjects.

I was a little bit nervous in the beginning but when we started it felt like a normal day at futuraskolan.

I think it was fun and most important that i learned things, example that you cant be their favourite you have to tell them when they have done a bad thing, if you are a favourite they are gonna sit in your knee and talk with you when you have a lesson and thats bad.
But it was great fun to work here and i hope that the kids and the teachers liked that i worked here!!" - Hugo  


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