Friday, 12 December 2014

How many hands are needed to build a house? A big gingerbread house.... :-)

This past two weeks we had a very tough challange: "Bake our school with gingerbread dough"! Delicious and fun! 
We started by doing the walls of the school. Definitely the hardest part!

Then some people, animals and other parts of the school were popping up!

Our happy Samuel with all the gingerbread pieces ready to be "glued".
We started like this...

More and more pieces were being added to our "house".
We got a flag pole, the red shed we have in the school garden and even a "Futura" sign!

In our last day of baking we got our roof done!!
And BOOM!!!! Futura Skola is done!
And we couldn't forget our football pitch!
Take an extra time of your day and come have a look at your friends' work just outside the Förskola front door. Two weeks of hard and amazing work!! I think they deserve a big applause!!! :)))


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