Friday 25 November 2016

Baking Club in French: Muffins au chocolat!

Muffins au chocolat!

Our lovely kids were divided into groups of 4 and each group was given the required ingredients. It was so cool to bake and practice the name of ingredients in French!

Take a look what we need for this recipe.


175 ml poudre de cacao (Cocoa powder)
5mL levure (Baking powder)
177mL buerre (Butter)
118 mL eau chaude (Hot water)
15 mL vanille poudre (Vanilla powder)
300 mL sucre (Sugar)
2 oeufs (Eggs)
315 mL farine (Flour)
pinch of Sel (Pinch of salt)

1. Set oven to 180 C)
2. in a bowl, combine cocoa and baking powder and mix them well.
3. Add in boiling water and mix well.
4. Now it's time to add in melted butter and vanilla powder and we mix again.
5. Add suger and, of course, you know what to do: mix well.
6. Now, Eggs join the other ingredients and we continue mixing.
7. At the end we add in flour and salt and mix all the ingredents very well untill we get a nice batter.

8. Now, it's time to fill the muffin tins with one spoon of batter in each.
Put them in the oven for 25-30 minutes and TA DA!!!! Our delicious Chocolate Muffins (in French: Muffins au chocolat) are ready. 

Try it at home! You will love it and ask your adorable kids if you need any help. They are the best teachers ever!

For this yummy muffin we got inspired by:


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